Natur Park Südgelände

Parks & experience areas

After railway operations at the Tempelhof marshalling yard, which was completed in 1889, were discontinued in 1952, nature gradually reclaimed the terrain. Without the influence of man, valuable dry grassland, tall herbaceous meadows and an unspoilt forest emerged from the railway wasteland.

The Natur Park Südgelände, which was created on the site of the former marshalling yard, combines the elements of technology, art and the environment in a unique way. An excursion to the park is always a journey of discovery - with relics from past railway history, surprising artistic insights and wild urban nature worthy of protection, which is brought closer to interested visitors on guided tours and via the open-air exhibition ‘Bahnbrechende Natur’.

More about Natur-Park Südgelände


Irina Nitsche

Project management environmental education Natur Park Südgelände & Tempelhofer Feld


Natur Park Südgelände

Prellerweg 47-49
12157 Schöneberg
